Mother At Iceland
Mother at Iceland
Oh! Mother Earth
I thought you were old
I learnt a lot, now I am old
Our societies are old;
We have many sciences
for knowing your past
many models to forecast
Your behaviour in future
Those who know aren't sure
But most of us are sure
That you are good old mother
Mostly stable and predictable
With occasional coughs and tremors
I said they were due to
Your violent past; voluptuous past
And your watery dress
having occasional jerks;
Stable rocks, molten center,
Many minerals buried inside
that is you I thought
Himalayas being your recent child
tall and mighty we were proud
Your love affair was over
So we thought
I come to Iceland
Am seeing a new
Your unseen adolescence
Smaller breasts, bubbling laughter
An unusual inner warmth
Flowing through the geysers
and lovely people full of humour
love for life and living
The polar weather
Makes them bear
the hardships with cheer
Your love continues
Your passion rages
through the hot geysers
and very active volcanoes
With many changes in mood
and hips dancing to music tuned
No hardening of arteries
Or mineral clots
Lovely fishes
the evolutionary first steps
For a long time you cuddle in bed
with blanket of dark long night
A few months you are full of shine
with only a small nap as break
ice, water and heat
a strange dialectic mix
gives energy to your human kids
to brave the cold
and to win in fish trade
to speed up evolution
through human creation
Mother Earth! Grandma Earth!
Lovely bride and adolescent Earth!
Can I see you as a little girl!
And as a babe in hand?
Wherever you are!
You keep seeing, keep sensing
You will feel my innocence
My sensual exuberance
Elderly wisdom
Some cruel moods too!
When you learn to feel me inside
You are no longer my child
You are Me, I am You!