Open Spring of Ideas

Middle Class Layouts : Business Opportunities As Old Age Homes For A Social Entrepreneur

Posted in Open Spring of Ideas

It is well known that India is a young country with about 550 million under age 25 years. About 650 million under age 30. But many may not realize that about 110 million Indians are senior citizens about 60 years of age. About 5 to 6 millions Indians get added to this pool every year. This size of population is bigger than the total population of many developed and developing countries in the world.

Forming An Overarching SHELL COMPANY To Cover BPO Small Entrepreneurs

Posted in Open Spring of Ideas

In addition to major IT giants in our country, there is a large number smaller companies in the BPO / KPO business. They make good profit and also employ a large number of persons (which is these smaller companies also take up a number of sub contracting jobs from the Indian major companies. But most of these business activities are in the Metro cities, their nearly suburbs and in some of the Tier 1 towns. It has been tough to take the BPO / KPO business activities to Tier 2, Tier 3 and Tier 4 towns and rural areas.

Wrong Number Calls In Mobile Phones - Technology And Business Opportunity

Posted in Open Spring of Ideas

In the present day world of globalised crimes, I think it will be good, if the mobile phone operators give a provision to record such numbers with just a push of a button, at the most two buttons. With that push, the number received, date and time should get registered in the mobile phone. It should be storable in the mobile phone and also easily downloadable to a computer.

Good Living Conditions In Slums

Posted in Open Spring of Ideas

Let us make for all future cities as a part of master plan, some selected places, spread out all over the city specially marked for SLUMS. Let there some access of water, drainage and electricity. Spread out because those who live in slum are the domestic servants, and providers of various other services at a low cost. They cannot be struggling to catch a bus or train.

Multiple Strands Of Knowledge And Skills - Crucial For Entrepreneurial Success

Posted in Open Spring of Ideas

Remember this for the success of an enterprise : Products or services from your enterprises require Threads from different disciplines : knowledge of markets; overall economics; aesthetics; technology; engineering; accounting and finance; knowledge of relevant laws; skill sets of the workers and staff; personnel management skills; etc.

Many such THREADS of knowledge and skill sets are to combined and joined with the RESIN of entrepreneurial goals. Then imagine the strengths of such a COMPOSITE strands. (You know that modern advanced composites are made of fragile glass fibres or carbon strands or natural fibres etc... all weak alone. But with resin and joining under pressure, they are very very strong.)

So if you want your enterprise to be successful and strong, be ready to be a part of multiple strands.

Post Earth Quake Disaster Management

Posted in Open Spring of Ideas

The fact of life is that earth quivers very often than what we think, it does. Occasionally there are severe tremors which we call earth quakes. Every time an earthquake takes place in India, many geophysicists will come out with their pet theories, working scientists bid for more equipment (which govt. sanctions), the there are several other rush jobs from food, to temporary shelters etc.

Mines Safety

Posted in Open Spring of Ideas

I suggest that some young entrepreneurs may work with retired mines engineers to map the potential use of safety systems and equipment. I know that many mines are in public sector and it may not be easy for you to do a new product or assemble a new product and sell to them. Do a good research of global companies who can supply equipment and system. You can become their agents in India. You can get funds from to do the marketing and business development. You will definitely get a commission.

Road Accidents And Business Of Protection

Posted in Open Spring of Ideas

On the whole, there are good market avenues, if innovative designs and low cost models can be done.

I pose this as a good challenge to designers, product makers ! You don't have to invent a new plastic or composite material. Many existing ones will suffice.

If you succeed, it is good business. Also you would have saved lots of human lives and disabilities

Reconstruction Industry

Posted in Open Spring of Ideas

Let some clever group of entrepreneurs along with some financial institutions, start RECONSTRUCTION PACKAGES. Insurance companies can also join these efforts through offering attractive premiums for those who reconstruct; it will help the insurers in the long run.

Business Opportunities Around Chinese Translation

Posted in Open Spring of Ideas

I see a tremendous opportunity for Chinese translators in the tourism and hospitality Industry in India. Make a pattern of Chinese places of tourism (for business or pleasure). Training many persons in authentic current spoken version of Chinese can be a good business - for the coaching classes and those who learn.

Pirate Stories

Posted in Open Spring of Ideas

Using some imaginative MIX of modern and old and with the use of animation technologies - many special cartoon series around piracy stories, can be generated as a good entertainment for young and old.

For The Unemployed And Underemployed Youth

Posted in Open Spring of Ideas

Most People pay lip service to employment generation. Some old time good persons think employment can be increased by employing more people in organized sector and in Govt. That will make them inefficient. Only way to increase certain amount of employment in organized sector is to create more and more globally competitive industries in manufacturing and service sectors (Auto, Textiles, Machine Building etc; Service Sectors BPO, retail transport, tourism health care etc) These can trigger in addition to limited employment in themselves, a lot of secondary & tertiary employment. That is why an urgent need for opening up the economy for Domestic and foreign investment. Since doing business in India is so difficult (hundreds of approvals before setting up industries and thousands of inspector-raj plus principles during operations) That is why many Indian investors are also going out to China, Russia, even UK, Europe for investment. Nobody who invests wants unnecessary headaches.

Speech by YSR

Posted in Open Spring of Ideas

Speech By Y.S.Rajan

India`s Human Resources - From Raw Numbers To Real Resource

Posted in Open Spring of Ideas

We often talk in superlative terms about India's illiteracy or great achievements of IIT's, IIM's or the 54% below 25 youthful population.

IIT's, IIM's are good; but in terms of numbers of students covered in a vast country like India, they are miniscule. Therefore it is not enough to consider IIT's or IIM's alone as a national policy.
India's youth is asset or burden. It depends on how we shape them. Therefore we need to consider some facts and figures. This small write up below is an attempt to provide a reasonable full and true picture.

Knowledge Intermediation

Posted in Open Spring of Ideas

Often people assume that pumping money (be it Govt. Grant or Bank loan) is adequate to trigger a sustainable economic or entrepreneurial activity in an area - village, Panchayat, or a district etc. For most of these efforts to be successful and self-sustaining, it is essential to characterize the user, markets, technical uncertainties, business uncertainties, technological options, infrastructure constraints etc in a particular locale specific manner. This is not a mere report but an action involving series of studies and interactions with a number of persons who will be impacted, who want to be active etc. Some times it is a little activity of convincing too and remove fears of risks. This process is called 'Technology Intermediation' or 'Knowledge Intermediation'. This process also can help tremendously the sincere Corporate Social Responsibility efforts.

This note gives some details and most importantly describe how this KI, TI activity itself provides an excellent business opportunity for professionals young and retired.

Development Of Underdeveloped Areas Or Sectors

Posted in Open Spring of Ideas

This write up explains about the details of process of developing an area or sector of industry. It points out that it is not possible to leave everything to market forces above; due to the stagnation of the past it is necessary to 'pump in' right type of knowledge/skill bases and some amount of initial fund to trigger the development processes. Even the delivery of knowledge bases/skills will require a system and set of professionals and that requires funding with good degree of flexibility. Many other insights and a mathematical equation are given. It will be useful for all those who are sincere about developing an underdeveloped area or to help poor people or to develop a backward sector of industry. The role of govt. grant, funds of philanthropist or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is described.

Mobile Hospital And Research Centre In Uttaranchal

Posted in Open Spring of Ideas

We have several hypes such as 'health care for all', 'disease free India', 'accessible health services' etc in addition single disease oriented massive international campaigns. But most of the people of India depend upon nearby private practitioners. A few may access govt. hospital High quality specialty, private sector hospitals or nursing homes are high budget system often available (almost exclusively ?!) to big corporate employees or high level govt. employees or otherwise rich persons. Noting that about 94% of those employed in India are not in organised, only 6% of India are in organised sector, some form regular medicare is available only to a very few Indians.

A system is working in Uttaranchal very effectively so far servicing more than 50,000 people.

Undersoil Research And Science

Posted in Open Spring of Ideas

While space, ocean, and many land areas have been studied well all over the world. Also many studies are going on sustainable earth, bio-diversity etc. Increasing well being of the human beings, their increasing longevity and increasing world population, place a huge demand on soil, the plants, birds and animals - virtually converting soil into a 'mass producing factory' year round. Even demands for organic food, organic farming etc will place increasing demands on soil. As also various forms of waste management, water management, water recycling etc.

Many do not even think that these place a huge demands on the soil underground. Most researches are confirmed up to about one foot. Whereas much of the activities of insects, oxygen, methane, microbes, viruses, many other living beings, rats, snakes, frogs etc live there. There are also so many chemical, physical, bilogical, hydrological etc activities taking place there. They also have a great role in shaping human destiny - ecology, sustainability, health etc. The appeal to researches all over the world to start research work in these areas in a scientific manner.

Also appeal to funding agencies and philanthropist to focus on Under-Soil-Research & Science say going to 200 m to 300 meters. Highly rewarding in terms of knowledge and also crucial for long term sustainability of the earth.

Sustainable Lifestyles

Posted in Open Spring of Ideas

A brief discussion is on global warming, and also about the interconnection of various issues like water, energy saving, material wastage etc. This note limits one aspect of reduction of electric power consumption through a lifestyle change : dispensing with ironing or pressing for clothes. The note also points out to the loss of jobs of those who iron clothes now as their livelihood and suggests an alternative. Also given some ideas of lifestyle changes for those who go to expensive hotels. One main idea is to point out that we all need to learn to change high consumption lifestyle (in addition to find scientific and technological solutions for energy efficiency, water efficiency etc.)

Green Dress Codes

Posted in Open Spring of Ideas

Any takers from world's great designers ?