Technology Business Human Resources


Extended Abstract

In the past Academia of educational sector, Business Community and Scientific & Technology Groups were acting in separate compartments. There were some sparse links between R & D Groups and academia, but very little between them and Business groups especially in India.

In the developed countries especially in the USA linkages between them have been very strong especially during the second half 20th century. That is why they have become a land of opportunities and a formidable economic power.

Studies about US Economic growth over several decades clearly indicate that over 60% is due to technology; about 15% due to worker skill upgradation; about 15% due to management; about 10% due to capital investment; for investment in land it is minus 10%! Somehow Indian business nicely “ Cartisoned” under the licence – permit – quota-raj thought otherwise. Same with Academia and S & T sector - Get Govt. funds; fix your own standards of assessment and excellence; live happily thereafter in your cocoons or ivory towers. Govt. money comes from tax payers! There are limits to its. So we witness today crises in many fronts.

   - When industry seeks technology from indigenous sources they get very little response. Or get offers which does not mean much to them ! Even for practical ideas, industry finds it difficult to have any useful inputs from the National Laboratory or Academia, though some limited improvements are taking place during the last few years.

   - Academia acts only as a supplier young bright boys and girls after degrees. Most industries find that they need practical orientation because the whole education system even in the best institutions are theoretical and contain very little of practical issues of business and industry. Often Academics blame industry not interested in academics and look at them only at a source of funding as a grant ( and get tax benefit ! )



Vice Chanceller


Punjab Technical University (PTU) ; also Scientific Advisor to the Punjab Chief Minister


To be presented at the Lecture-cum-Dinner Meeting on 29th Dec., 2003 at Ludhiana. Organized by Ludhiana Management Association. Views expressed are personal.

- S & T Institutions have their own world, with their own bosses who fund them! They often look at Academia as suppliers of some young recruits; or use them in review committees, as a formality. Also grants giving Departments of Central Govt. look at them as people who will send proposals for research and to distribute funds. Often the entire process of knowledge generation have been mechanized system “of the Scientists, by the Scientists and for the Scientists”.

-  â€œCan this situation be in this form? Or go through a slow evolutionary change? Let us not forget dinosaurs !!

The Process of growth of economy, business, trade and science & technology has been so rapid during the twentieth Century ( after the major fillip from the Agricultural Past through the Industrial Revolution starting 18th Century ) that the process of “globalization” and “liberalization of national economies” were the natural outcomes. The author will elaborate on this. The fast changes in technology is so fast that it is impossible to survive in business without a large market. Less and less product cycle and more and more of competitive investment for innovation  – How to recover the money ? Go global.

Therefore instead of wailing about WTO or decreasing Govt. funds for academia or S & T, the three major actors have to learn to work together not only to be able to be defensive against global forces (which will into our door steps to win markets ) but also be aggressively forward looking to win in a global market.

India should aim at atleast 16% of share in global trade commensurate with its share of population. One can aim even at 20%. Then poverty will disappear from this land; employment will not be an issue for killing brothers!

The author will develops ideas from the books :

1. “India 2002”: A Vision for the New Millennium (best selling book, paper back also available) and most importantly from the three books :

2. “Empowering Indian: with Economic, Business and  Technology Strengths for the Twenty First Century” (Revised  Reprint 2002) published by M/s.Har-Anand Publications Pvt.  Ltd., F-1211, C.R.Park, New Delhi-19.

3.  "Global Business, Technology and Knowledge Sharing:   Lessons for Developing Country Enterprises”

4.  â€œChoosing Career Paths” (2003), published by M/s.Har- Anand Publications Pvt. Ltd.,  F-1211, C.R.Park,  New    Delhi-19.

and also his recent paper:

5. Article from International Journal of Information Technology    and Management titled “Towards a knowledge society in   India: issues for management”

 While the first unfolds the vision and the road map the latter describe implementational policies and detailed processes.  The socio-economic context of Punjab Technical University(PTU) will also be discussed and how Punjab Industries/Business can lead the Indian Business Conquest of the World in about a decade.

