Innovation & Technology [power-point presentation ].
Slide 1
Sometimes, it becomes a season of talks on similar topic.
This one is a different type. It is to persons from colleges from different parts of India – mostly engineering & technologies, Principals, Professors, Readers etc. Compact group about 25. Mine was an inaugural talk.
It was an excellent interactive sessions where the participants gave the answers/views on the slides.
Slide 2
Try answers !
Slide 3 & 4
Read the statement. Do you agree ?
Most participants agreed – near unanimously.
Slide 5
ISRO experience – Read the referred papers, reports.
Sad part of it. It reconfirms Slide 4.
Slide 6
Gives reasons why it is so and also for Atomic Energy.
Slide 7
What about non-Government controlled systems.
Try answers.
Slide 8
Points out that we should understand different classes of eocnomic/technical activities.
Slide lists a few.
Slide 9
Describes the support system required for establishing an ecosystem conducive to promoting innovation.
Also the last two lines describe how it is, in India.
Slide 10
Need for Knowledge Intermediation especially to create new mindset by increasing success rates and reducing risks.
(Described in many parts of this website).
Slide 11
Attitudinal needs.
Slide 12
How to win.